Unrealistic Expectations

“- we will sit looking at the stars every night…” droned Esther to her maidens, her eyes and voice dreamy.

“… the King and I will never be apart. We will always spend time with each other…” she continued, twirling round and round the pillars which lined the corridors of the palace.

“… he will never get angry …”

“… I will never be without him…”

“… nothing can ever come against our relationship…”

With stars in her eyes; she plopped down in the grass to continue with her day dream.

Fast forward into the future; Esther is now crowned Queen. The wedding was huge! The largest wedding the kingdom has ever beheld! Instead of looking out for gifts from the visitors; the king rather gave gifts!

Then the king gave a great feast for all his officials and servants; it was Esther’s feast. He also granted a remission of taxes to the provinces and gave gifts with royal generosity (ESV Esther 2:18)

All was sure to be grand but wait, the king has a kingdom to provide for… he’s trying but its not every time he can meet with Esther to watch the stars. Sometimes at the end of the day, he’s so exhausted that he goes straight to bed. They are apart whenever he goes to work at his office; busily planning how to pull the kingdom onto a higher scale.

“… I will never be without him…”

Remember this thinking?

Yet for 30 days Queen Esther did not see her king!

“But as for me; I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.” (ESV Esther 4:11)

Can you hear her spirit breaking in that scripture?

“… nothing can come against our relationship…”

Remember this line of thinking too?

Yet, she had the whole fury of Haman being plotted against her lineage which in the end could have affected her marriage! Had Haman found out she was a Jew; he would have destroyed her to the king! Thank God she rose up to fast and seek the face of God!

Queen, what are your expectations?

Don’t enter into that marriage or dream with unfounded expectations you have received from watching soap operas and telenovela’s. Expectations to dance the waltz with your beloved when he doesn’t even know how to shift from left foot to right foot:

Expectations that all is going to be rosy so you are not going to pray as much as you did before you acquired what is it you wanted!

QEP believes in having expectations; however, some expectations needs to be curtailed- if you grew up watching lots of disney cartoons like I did; then you should know by now that he’s not going to appear on your balcony with a magic flying carpet like Aladdin with Jasmine as shown in the featured picture; neither is it going to be a Bollywood dancing scene every moment you are with him:

He may not chase you out in the rain to give you a dramatic kiss and he may not jump off a moving train just to gather you into his arms and claim you are his.


However, when these expectations are not met; its not for you to withdraw from the relationship or dream yet rather; seek the face of God concerning it and He will show you what to do to allow you to live beyond and better than your expectations.

The fact that he’s an anointed man of God doesn’t mean his human side will not baffle you at times.

Don’t allow your unrealistic expectations of how he ‘should be’ prevent you from recognising the one that ‘is’.

You’ll be surprised that in the reality that God gives to you; there will be in this reality better movie scenes that will blow your mind:

Allow God’s expectations for your life to be materialised! Do this by praying:

“…Your will be done on earth… as it is in heaven…”

Jesus loves you and I do too.

Queens in Christ,

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13 comments Add yours
    1. All Glory to Jesus!
      May your expectations line up with all that God has in store for you,
      In Jesus name, Amen!

    1. Glad you are inspired!
      All Glory to Jesus!
      May your expectations line up with all that God has in store for you,
      In Jesus name, Amen!

    1. Glad you are inspired!
      All Glory to Jesus!
      May your expectations line up with all that God has in store for you,
      In Jesus name, Amen!

    1. All Glory to Jesus!
      Glad you are inspired!
      May your expectations line up with all that God has in store for you,
      In Jesus name, Amen!

    1. God bless you too!
      All Glory to Jesus!
      Glad you are inspired!
      May your expectations line up with all that God has in store for you,
      In Jesus name, Amen!

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