Please Wait

It’s funny how God speaks to us.

Whether walking down the road and seeing a stop sign, or meeting someone for the first time and noticing his wandering eye whenever another female passes by. It’s almost like in that moment God is trying to tell you about the situation you are in or about to enter.

Another sign that particularly caught my eye this week as I was checking my credit was this:

Although this message showed for a spilt second, immediately the Holy Spirit began to lay emphasis on these words,

Please wait

What season do you find yourself in now, Queen?

Perhaps you are in a point in your life where you are earnestly expecting some kind of breakthrough, so much so that the wait is becoming unbearable.

Still, you need to understand that often times the season of waiting is a season of preparation.

Did you get that?

The season of waiting is a season of preparation.

If you find yourself waiting to become a billionaire; waiting to get that dream job; waiting to be moved up the scale in society; waiting for God to elevate you; waiting to marry that man of your dreams- if you ever find yourself waiting at all for any of these things then you need to understand that you are in a season where God needs for you to be prepared enough for what He is bringing into your life.

The life of Queen Esther is a great example of exercising patience in preparation whilst you wait:

Before a young woman’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty preparations prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. (NIV Esther 2:12)

Imagine how Esther felt!

I am sure thoughts like; ‘How long before I see my King? How long before this season of waiting to become a Queen shall pass?,’- kept wafting through her mind! But she didn’t grow discontent; she allowed herself to understand that this season of waiting was in preparation towards greater things ahead.

Today, know that you are not alone in waiting.

King David even felt same:

How long O Lord will you forget me forever? (ESV Psalm 13:1)

Yet, even though he moaned, he did not give up on God.

He didn’t settle for less. Don’t settle.

Today, please learn to wait on God.

Please wait for Him to bring about that breakthrough

Please wait on His divine provision

Please wait on His leading

And even while you wait, listen to this song to encourage you:

Jesus Loves You and I do Too,

Queens In Christ Jesus,

Ann Adu-Darko❤️



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