Eagle Eyes For Marriage

“Hello, my name is—, and you are?”

Ama looked up at the handsome young man standing in front of her, licking his lips and staring leeringly at her.

She mentioned her name.

“I would love to take you out sometime.” he said.

In that moment, she had to put on her eagle eyes.

In that moment, she had to put on her eagle eyes.

Eagle eyes in this context is the ability of foresight. The ability to see ahead into the future and predict things (correctly) way before they happen.

Staring into his handsome face in the present, all she could see was moonlit walks, her cheeks blushing, her friends saying, “your boyfriend is so handsome”, and possibly those lips falling on hers.

However, when she dared to see through the eagle eyes; she saw lust in his eyes, saw her heart broken and her friends patting her on the back asking why she allowed him to hurt her so.

So, with a smile, she politely declined and turned away. As she walked away from him, another young man on a bicycle skidded to a stop beside her. Looking at him, it was clear he had nothing. However, after speaking to him a few moments; she dared to put on her eagle eyes:

she dared to put on her eagle eyes: and realised that with him, there was the opportunity of watching God groom him into a great man for the kingdom of God, of building a home with him... a family with him.

and realised that with him, there was the opportunity of watching God groom him into a great man for the kingdom of God, of building a home with him… a family with him.

Embarking on a season of preparation you will find that many times you will be presented with opportunities to make use of ‘eagle eyes’. For instance in accepting that proposal, that job, that dream; theres the need for you to embrace the wisdom of God in foresight before you make any decision.

‘Foresight will protect you…’ (Proverbs 2:11)

It is said that the eagles eyesight is 4 to 8 times stronger than that of an average human being and it can spot its prey 3.2 km away! Queen, you need to develop the tenacity in God to see ahead and get rid of danger:

Queen, you need to develop the tenacity in God to see ahead and get rid of danger

We find in the story of Queen Esther that she was a woman that made use of her eagle eyes in marriage. Even in marriage, through the help of Mordecai, she saw ahead to realise the damage Haman would do to her people and more so to her marriage once he decided to wipe them out. So with foresight, she rose to do something about it.

“Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I must die.” (Esther 4:15-16)

That job that God has given to you- it may seem like nothing now but just stick to it with faith in Christ Jesus and He will grant you the foresight to see what can come out of it.

That man that has proposed marriage to you- perhaps now he has nothing on him for you to boast of, yet, put on your eagle eyes hun, and you will see the greatness that God has in store for him.

For some reading this, you will realise that you could have avoided a lot of heartache if you teamed up with God to put on your eagle eyes (ability of foresight). You saw too much of the present of the- cars, houses, clerical and all that took away your ability to see ahead.

Queen, lets make it a lifestyle to walk in the foresight of God

Jesus loves you and I do too,

Queens in christ,

Ann Adu-Darko❤️


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