Why Every Woman Must Be A Cheerleader

Before we delve into the concept of cheerleading lets take a look at two scenarios shall we? Scenario #1: Amanda comes home from work and tosses her bag into the nearest chair without saying anything to her spouse. “How was work?” asked Micheal. “Fine.” “Did everything go as planned with your presentation?” he asked again,…

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100 Trips A Woman Must Take Before Marriage

Perhaps you are expecting to be told that, “Hey, before you get married or achieve that dream job, you need to travel all around! Go to Monaco! Dubai! Singapore! – and oh, you simply must visit the Caribbean Islands! Hahaa! Whilst that will be fun to do, those are not the kind of trips this…

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Eagle Eyes For Marriage

“Hello, my name is—, and you are?” Ama looked up at the handsome young man standing in front of her, licking his lips and staring leeringly at her. She mentioned her name. “I would love to take you out sometime.” he said. In that moment, she had to put on her eagle eyes. Eagle eyes…

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Sprinkle A Little Romance

Now don’t think so far fetched when it comes to the issue of romance- Please don’t think in terms of anything lustful. Romance, for luck of better word here in this context is simply the art of igniting affection or love. I can imagine someone scratching their head when wondering how at all to be…

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How Many Followers Do You Have?

“Yay! Someone just started following me!.” exclaimed Adwoa to Nana. “Really? Who is it?” “Uh- I don’t know the person. But I am excited.” said Adwoa, scrolling through her social media. Let’s face it; in these times, we are so concerned with how many followers to have that we are not at all concerned about…

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The Servant Queen

“I’m a Queen, okay? I am a Queen, have you heard?” “Okay.” “I have been reading Queen Esther Preparation and the writer says I am a Queen, so don’t tell me to open the gate for you anymore.” “Uh..” “I am a Queen; so I don’t just do things for people like that-.” “Okay, please…

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The Pinocchio Type of Relationship

You know the story of Pinocchio? The little wooden boy? The one that was created by a wood carver yet wanted to be a ‘real boy’ and so was given the condition that to become one he had to be truthful. However he had the habit of lying often! Funny thing was that each time he lies his…

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When A Woman Has Grace

Scared you are not going to do well in that interview? You need Grace. Scared that test is going to be a big flop? You need Grace. Scared about the concept of marriage? The thought of being a wife? – do I have to cook? – do I have to clean?? – how am I…

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The Seven Friends Of Esther

Surely, if Esther lived in our times, she would have hit the Facebook friends limit by now. She definitely would have had over 4999 friends on her Facebook friends list. Just imagine social media to have existed in the time before she wed the king; once she puts up her DP (display picture) on Facebook, thousands…

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