Two Headed Relationship Monster

Kwame and Ama have been arguing for too long about who really is the head of their household. After all, Ama feels she should be the one especially because she earns all the money for their upkeep! Kwame feels he’s the one- after all, look at all his muscles! He’s the strongest in their home! …

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Casting Pearls Before Swine

Often times you’ll hear,  “- and I loved her with every fiber in me- how could she treat me this way-!” “- you can’t imagine some of the things I did for him- only for him to go and do that to me!” “- I gave the company everything I had – how could they…

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Understanding The Seasons

“… ever since Abigail got promoted, I don’t see her doing so and so…” “… ever since Abigail got that new car, now she takes long trips!” “- can you believe that now that Abigail has this blessing, she no longer…” – and on and on it goes when people assume for others or in…

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A Woman’s Wicker Basket

Don’t put all your eggs one basket, they say. But there’s one woman who placed all her eggs in one basket. Jochebed. Yup. Jochebed. Moses’ mother. She placed all her ‘eggs’ which in this case, is ‘Moses’ in one basket. In the midst of all the Dp changes, Instagram and WhatsApp stories over the weekend,…

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A Lot Can Happen In A Year

“When am I going to get that car…?” “When am I going to be considered for that job?” “When will the house be paid for?” “When is she going to say yes to my proposal?” … and on and on it goes when we can’t see what the future holds. In the course of the…

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Each Woman’s Turn

Is that not Cynthia? Was she not always taking the bus? How come she’s in a Range Rover today?! Is that not Wendy? Was she not an employee at so and so? How come she’s now the Manager?! Is that not Jemima? Was she not a bridesmaid the other time? She’s getting married???! Is that…

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Denouncing Bae

“Bae…” “Babe…” “Baby.” “Ma baebae…” These are often times the names we affectionately call our partners/spouses in our relationships. However, I recently attended a fellowship (Impact Point) that got the wheels turning in my head as to whether it is wise to call each other so. First of, before I even continue, I have to put…

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Embracing The New

Whilst asking the Lord what is new for Queen Esther Preparation this year, He kept emphasising on ’embracing the new’ and then He showed clearly the parable of the prodigal son. What does the prodigal son have to do with embracing the new? I asked the same thing. Evidently, a whole lot! Ever read of…

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Scars to Stars

“Don’t you remember that girl? She’s the one that…” “Oh yeah, this woman, she did this to…” “How embarrassing for her! How can she-?” “If I were her- I wouldn’t-” Hahaaa… And on and on it goes… While using glitter to work on christmas decorations, I couldn’t help but be reminded of God’s ability to…

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